The Cantares de Pias counts with 14 choral groups, having been in 2014 considered Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The objective of these groups is to interpret the beautiful fashions of the land and show the traditional costumes for the performance of the agricultural activities of the mid-20th century. They are invited to various projects such as the launching of a CD, the creation of a film and a "jordan". A project called "Cante in Schools" was created in 2008/2009 promoted by Serpa City Council, in partnership with the Serpa School Grouping and later with the Groupings of Vila Nova de S. Bento and Pias, with the aim of raising awareness about Cante Alentejano among young people. In 2011 the project began to include Serpa, Brinches, Pias, Vale de Vargo, Vila Nova de S. Bento and Vila Verde de Ficalho.
Some of the existing groups are:
Take a look around and come visit the Baixo Alentejo to see a performance by these groups and see the connection between the past and the present of this land.